Ringtone Apoko with his second name confusing many for it originality has displayed that you don’t need to go to school to get rich.
This, in an equal measure, amounts to my friends dreaming that one day they will be rich that when they type a dot (.) people will comment.
Ringtone in his mocking and ‘kiki’ soliciting posts, On Sunday posted a video on his random work at his Runda home doing some watering of flowers.
In his caption, he either was targetting reactions or simply he had no idea of what grammar and choice of word is.
” When am marry my wife must do this otherwise am not marry lazy person,” read his post.
His fans reacted blasting the arstist of ‘poor’ English;
miss-onyienancy: Marry an English teacher
chepngenof: Stop struggling with English. Just type na kikisii. Our kisii friends will help us understand
Another user asked him if he would use the same English in talking to Zari who rejected his Rangerover last year;
mercydequeen: Hii kizungu ndio ungeongelesha Zari
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