Juma Jux, Vanessa Mdee back again? releases collabo

Image result for vanessa mdee and jux relationship

Juma Jux and Vanessa Mdee are back together?

The bongo stars left their fans tongue wagging after the two released a collabo barely a month after they broke up.

Image result for vanessa mdee and jux relationship

Vanessa aka Vee Money and Juma Jux broke up silently the last month and it is Vee's sister Mimi Mars spilled the beans during an interview.

The bongo sassy artiste was emotional and even tweeted suicidal thoughts something that caught many unaware.

But could they just be friends?

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Juma Jux in the song admitted that he misses Vanessa every single second and in every interview, she is the topic.

Or could they just be looking for attention from their fans?

A section of their fans wants them back together saying how they are the best couple in East Africa.

Always u never Dissppoint uur fans bro well done with your half vee😍

This is what we call a midas touch, a class on its own. Couple Goals!

Si mrudiane tu!!!! Personally i looked up to u guys😥😢😢😢
